
Living Life Lifting Others™

NLD Coaching & Consulting-01

Individual Services


If you are ready to move through the trauma you have experienced due to workplace toxicity, let’s work together through 1:1 coaching. I will privately work with you to develop a very specific action plan to regain your confidence and move forward. If you are interested, I may occasionally set up a group meeting to interact with others that have gone through similar experiences.

Note: This coaching is best for those who have already left their toxic workplaces and/or bully and are in a new working environment as fear and hypervigilance may still be impacting your potential success. I offer 4 levels of coaching:

Bronze – Moving Through

6 Sessions

We will review how the toxic behaviors are impacting you now and where you would like to be in the short term.  We will do a leadership assessment to identify your future potential and set short term goals and actions to take within 60 days of completion. 


Silver – Moving Forward

12 Sessions

Continuing our work from the previous sessions, we will take additional steps in your journey, including how you can identify red flags as you interview for new roles and being able to respond (not react) to potential triggers so you can reduce the possibility of regressing.  You will also build a longer-term plan (six months – one year) to keep your momentum going.

Gold – Finding You

18 Sessions

As you continue to reach your professional goals, you may need to focus more on you – not just at the workplace, but on fulfilling your entire being.  You probably have multiple roles (parent, leader, spouse, friend, co-worker) and it’s hard to be everything to everyone all at once.  During this time, we will identify those things that bring you happiness and joy, identify your core supporters, and how to prepare for long-term change (2 years +)

Platinum – Finding Your Customized Personal Path

24 Sessions

These extensive six weeks are highly customized, but may include topics such as “Being More than your Degrees and Certifications”, “Understanding Your Value and Worth”, “Is Entrepreneurship for You?” 

Team & Group Services


Focusing on empathetic leadership can enhance the culture of your organization. The word “empathy” scares many leaders because it sounds squishy or touchy-feely and can appear that you are giving in to employee’s every whim and wish. It isn’t. It’s a method of listening, understanding perspective, and coming up with ways that can be wins for both sides.

There are sometimes you as a leader will just have to say no, but how you say it can make all the difference. I will work with your company and teams to learn strategies to reduce the level of toxicity that may exist that you may not even recognize. With over 25 years of experience in Human Resources serving as a practitioner, leader, and CHRO, I know what works and what can be seen as performative.

Group Meetings

One of the biggest misconceptions that targets may have is that they are alone. It doesn’t appear that anyone else experiences these aggressions and others in your organization may have made fun of you, minimized your pain, or told you to get a thicker skin. I certainly felt that way. Sometimes, hearing the experiences of others can help you move through.

This is not a “misery loves company” concept – rather it is a way of supporting each other to get through these tough times. I can set up intimate cohorts of 6-8 people to dive into preparing for psychologically safe work spaces with confidence and growth.

Additional Services

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consulting

Organizational Development Consulting

Strategic Planning Facilitation

Speaking Engagements